DESCRIPTION : Krishna suggests the Pandavas to injure Bhishma, to disable him from participating in the war. Bhishma regrets taking Yudhishthir as a hostage. Duryodhan orders Karna to participate in the war. Bhishma hesitates about the same. Duryodhan accuses Bhishma of being a traitor as he has not killed Yudhishthir. Bhishma decides not to participate in the war, but Duryodhan reminds him of his oath. Bhishma vows to destroy the Pandavas.

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DESCRIPTION : Bhishma attacks the Pandavas' army. The warriors try to defeat Bhishma, but in vain. The Pandavas become worried as they lose their soldiers. However, they fail to come up with a strategy to defeat Bhishma. Bhishma stays in the battlefield without food, water and sleep. The Pandavas' army decreases to two akshauhinis at the end of the seventh day of war, while the Kuru army consists of nine akshauhinis. Arjun challenges Bhishma, the next day.

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DESCRIPTION : Bhishma announces that he is invincible. Krishna becomes infuriated, and advances towards Bhishma with a wheel of a chariot in his hands. The arrows from Bhishma's bow fail to injure Krishna. Bhishma surrenders to Krishna. Krishna reminds Bhishma of his misdeeds. Bhishma agrees to die in the hands of Krishna. Arjun stops Krishna by reminding him of his promise. Bhishma requests Krishna to allow Shikhandini to kill him.

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DESCRIPTION : Shikhandini decides to commit suicide as she fails to please Yakshraj with her tapasya. Duryodhan believes that Shikhandini will not be able to defeat Bhishma as she is not allowed to enter the battlefield. Shikhandini arrives at the battlefield, and informs the Pandavas that Yaksharaj has changed her gender for a day. Duryodhan requests Bhishma not to participate in the war, the next day, but in vain. Krishna suggests the Pandavas to seek Bhishma's suggestion on how to defeat him.

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DESCRIPTION : The Pandavas and Draupadi seek Bhishma's permission to meet him. Bhishma suggests the Pandavas to perform their duty of defeating him. The Pandavas request Bhishma to live, until they start ruling over Hastinapur. Bhishma orders his own death sentence, and apologises to Draupadi. Draupadi forgives him. Dhritarashtra panics on learning that Shikhandini has returned to the battlefield. He asks Vidur to stop Bhishma from participating in the war.

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DESCRIPTION : The Pandavas decide to take Shikhandi near Bhishma on the tenth day of the war. Ashwathama, Dronacharya, Shalya, Dushyasan and Duryodhan engage Nakul, Arjun, Sahadev, Yudhishthir and Bheem, respectively in the war. Shakuni engages Shikhandi in a duel, and stabs him. Sanjay updates Dhritarashtra and Vidur about the war. Abhimanyu takes Shikhandi to the camp. Draupadi tends to Shikhandi, and inspires him to accomplish his oath.

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DESCRIPTION : Draupadi motivates Shikhandi to fight against Bhishma. Drupad and Dhrishtadyumna engage Duryodhan and Dronacharya in duels, respectively. Meanwhile, the Pandavas reach near Bhishma. Bhishma instructs the Pandavas to attack him together. The Pandavas fight against Bhishma, but fail to defeat him. Bhishma encourages the Pandavas to defeat him. Abhimanyu and the Upapandavas take Shikhandi near Bhishma. Bhishma lays down his weapon on seeing Shikhandi. Shikhandi attacks Bhishma.

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DESCRIPTION : The Pandavas attack Bhishma. Arjun attacks Bhishma with a series of arrows. Bhishma rests on a bed of arrows. The armies of the Pandavas and the Kauravas gather near Bhishma. Arjun feels guilty for attacking Bhishma. Nakul decides to tend to Bhishma. Krishna suggests Bhishma to consider Nakul's decision. Bhishma suggests the Pandavas to surrender to Krishna. Duryodhan accuses Arjun of killing Bhishma, and decides to attack him. Bheem reminds Duryodhan about the sunset.

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DESCRIPTION : Bhishma asks Arjun to support his head with arrows. Duryodhan apologises to Bhishma. Bhishma tells Duryodhan that he has blessed Yudhishthir to emerge victorious in the war. Duryodhan curses Bhishma. Krishna tells the Pandavas that Bhishma will be going to heaven. Bhishma decides to rest on the bed of arrows, and wait for his death. Vidur blames Dhritarashtra and his children for Bhishma's condition. He tells Dhritarashtra that all his sons will die in the war.

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DESCRIPTION : Kunti becomes upset on thinking about Bhishma. Draupadi comforts her and the Pandavas. Arjun brings medicines, water and food for Bhishma. Bhishma refuses to accept them. He wishes to meet his mother, Ganga. Arjun brings Ganga to the battlefield. Ganga decides to take care of Bhishma. She comforts Bhishma. Duryodhan decides to appoint Karna as the new commander of the Kuru army. Dronacharya becomes upset by the same, and leaves the meeting.

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DESCRIPTION : Krishna reminds Arjun that Karna will be entering the battlefield with a divine weapon, the next day. Dronacharya decides not to participate in the war under Karna's leadership. Karna meets Bhishma. Bhishma tells Karna that he was aware of his identity, and had tried to keep him away from the Kuru family. He asks Karna to fight the war in a just way. Shakuni becomes unhappy with Duryodhan's decision of appointing Karna as the commander of the Kuru army.

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DESCRIPTION : Karna requests Duryodhan to appoint Dronacharya as the commander of the Kuru army. He requests Dronacharya to lead the Kuru army. Ashwathama reminds Dronacharya of his promise, and manipulates him to participate in the war. Duryodhan persuades Dronacharya to take an oath of killing the Pandavas, instead of capturing them. Bheem vows to kill Duryodhan and his brothers. Gandhari becomes worried about her sons. Karna enters the battlefield and engages Arjun in a duel.

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DESCRIPTION : Karna enters the battlefield and engages Arjun in a duel. Duryodhan plans to kill Bheem, the same day. Karna and Arjun fight a fierce battle against each other. Yuvraaj stops Dronacharya from meeting Bheem. Duryodhan tries to console Gandhari. Abhimanyu wants to fight against Duryodhan. However, Duryodhan refuses to do so. Bheem kills Duryodhan's brothers. Duryodhan strives to save his brothers. Gandhari becomes depressed as Bheem kills her sons.

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DESCRIPTION : Arjun tells Karna that his intention was to prevent him from helping Duryodhan's brothers. Gandhari laments on the deaths of her sons. Kunti becomes dejected with the deaths of Gandhari's sons. Duryodhan performs the last rites of his brothers. Dushyasan challenges Bheem to a duel, but he does not accept the same. Duryodhan decides to take revenge on the Pandavas. Dhritarashtra becomes upset with his sons' deaths. On Duryodhan's insistence, Karna decides to kill Abhimanyu, the next day.

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DESCRIPTION : Uttara becomes worried about Abhimanyu, and tries to stop him from participating in the war, but in vain. Karna searches for Abhimanyu in the battlefield. Dronacharya engages Arjun in a duel. Abhimanyu entraps Duryodhan inside a magical globe. Karna frees Duryodhan. Drupad engages Duryodhan in a duel. Meanwhile, Bheem kills thirty brothers of Duryodhan. Karna makes Abhimanyu helpless. He feels Kunti's presence in the battlefield, and fails to kill Abhimanyu.

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Description : Draupadi becomes delighted on learning that Uttara has conceived Abhimanyu requests Yudhishthir to allow him to penetrate the chakravyuha. Draupadi panics on seeing the holy thread that she had tied to Abhimanyu for his safety. Uttara becomes unconscious. Draupadi becomes delighted on learning that Uttara has conceived. She instructs a soldier to bring Abhimanyu, along with him. Meanwhile, Drupad tries to break the chakravyuha, but Jayadrath stops him. Yudhishthir permits Abhimanyu to break the chakravyuha.

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