242 : Karna uses the divine weapon against Ghatotkacha

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Description : Ghatotkacha captures Duryodhan. Bheem captures thirty brothers of Duryodhan. On Duryodhan's insistence, Karna uses the divine weapon, presented to him by Indradev, against Ghatotkacha. Bheem tries to save Ghatotkacha, but in vain. Ghatotkacha increases his size, and falls on the Kuru army. Arjun invites Karna to a duel. Karna accuses Krishna of using Ghatotkacha, to exhaust his divine weapon. Bheem kills seventy brothers of Duryodhan, and performs Ghatotkacha's last rites. Will Karna be able to fight against Arjun, without the divine weapon? To know more, keep watching Mahabharat... 

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