243 : Krishna tells the Pandavas to kill Ashwathama

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Description : Dronacharya decides to leave the battle field. Duryodhan learns about the same, and humiliates Dronacharya. Ashwathama vows to kill Arjun. Shakuni tricks Dronacharya, and persuades him not to leave the battle field. The Pandavas plan to kill Dronacharya. Drupad strive to kill Dronacharya. However, Dronacharya succeeds in killing Drupad. Krishna tells the Pandavas to kill Ashwathama, to make Dronacharya surrender. Karna challenges Nakul and Sahadev. Meanwhile, Arjun challenges Dronacharya to a duel. Will the Pandavas succeed in killing Ashwathama? To know more, keep watching Mahabharat...

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