258 : Duryodhan appoints Shalya as the commander of the Kuru army

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Description : Dhritarashtra becomes delighted on believing that Duryodhan will kill the Pandavas. Bheem burns few weapons to strengthen his mace. Draupadi tends to Bheem. Bheem assures Draupadi that she will become the Queen of Hastinapur. Duryodhan appoints Shalya as the commander of the Kuru army. He vows to kill the Pandavas. Gandhari blesses Duryodhan. Krishna suggests Bheem not to underestimate his enemy. Duryodhan and Bheem have a duel. Bheem strives to defend himself. Will Bheem be able to defeat Duryodhan? To know more, keep watching Mahabharat...

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