259 : The truth about Duryodhana's body

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Description : The Pandavas learn that Duryodhan's body has turned into diamond. Krishna suggests the Pandavas to divert Duryodhan's attention by attacking Shakuni. Nakul challenges Shakuni to a duel. Shakuni seeks Shalya's help. Shalya does not want to get killed in the hands of his nephew, Nakul. Yudhishthir kills Shalya. Arjun challenges Shakuni to a duel. Duryodhan rushes to rescue Shakuni. Arjun strives to defeat Duryodhan. Meanwhile, Yudhishthir beats Shakuni. Later, Ashwathama fights against Arjun. Will Duryodhan be able to rescue Shakuni? To know more, keep watching Mahabharat...

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